Jan. 27, 2K15 6:03pm
tomatoboi's Official Website turned 10 years old 3 months ago! Planning to add a new section to the site once I have time. For now, check out my mini travel site at tomatoboi's World Adventures!
Dec. 19, 2K12 8:00pm
tomatoboi's Official Website turned 8 years old already! I do hope this will be a year with more updates to the website, look forward to my 366 photo project that I did this year~
Oct. 18, 2K11 11:54pm
tomatoboi's Official Website turned 7 years old yesterday!
Nov. 11, 2K10 5:55pm
tomatoboi's Official Website turned 6 years old last month. I have not really touched the site in the past year... I hope I will start working on this again in the coming year!
Oct. 17, 2K9 12:00am
tomatoboi's Official Website turns 5 years old today! *yay*
Feb. 2, 2K9 12:23am
A new photo project called logo365 has been put up on the Photos site.
Oct. 17, 2K8 12:05am
The 4th anniversary of my website is celebrated with a new front page image~
Aug. 2, 2K8 10:50pm
The Museum has a newly created exhibit showcasing my AirFleet!
May 2, 2K8 8:38pm
The Q&A section has been updated with new questions & answers.
Mar.15, 2K8 8:23pm
The Q&A section has been updated with a new question & answer. There are a couple more questions I've yet to answer, stay tuned!
Feb.23, 2K8 6:24pm
The Links section has been updated with new links to friends' personal sites.
Oct.17, 2K7 2:23am
Today is my site's 3rd anniversary and I have somewhat updated the layout, hope it looks better than before~ ^^
More updates will come in later months so check back soon!